Learn more about getting your very own post box for your personal or business use.
What is required to rent a post box?
For personal use, all you need is your valid National Identity (Omang) or passport and the annual rental fee of P235.00.
For your business, you will need your valid National Identify (Omang) or passport, your Certificate of Incorporation and the annual rental fee of P630.00.
How do I pay my annual rental?
You can pay in person over the counter at any Post Office, on our official website, or by using any one of our mobile applications: PosoMoney or our mobile app.
Is there a waiting list for post boxes?
No. You can rent your post box at any branch provided we have one available.
How do I know if my post box is due for renewal?
When subscriptions are due, we will let you know via sms, email and a letter in your post box.
What happens if I no longer want my post box?
Simply visit the branch where the box is located, notify the relevant BotswanaPost team member over the counter and surrender your keys.
If I have queries about my post box, who should I contact?
Submit a customer service query using our website, visit your nearest Post Office or call the BotswanaPost Contact Centre on +267 3911 473.