It’s time you had your very own Post Box
Your Post Box is basically a rite of passage into adulthood.
A Post Box gives you speed, privacy, security, convenience, and mobility.
Check your mail at your convenience, any time of the day or night at certain post offices, without queuing.
If you’re starting a small business, either full or part time you need an official Post Box so that the outside world can send you physical mail.
Mail security at BotswanaPost is always our top priority. Your Post Box is securely monitored by CCTV and is also locked.
Get Your Private Bag
Apply for a secure private bag to keep large volumes of traditional mail safe and secure.
How much mail does your organization receive?
For medium and large businesses, as well as government departments and parastatals, the ideal way to receive your mail is not through a Post Box, but in your own Private Bag.
Your Private Bag is exactly that: private. This is an excellent way to maximize the confidentiality of your correspondence with stakeholders.
This is the most functional option on the market for any enterprise that deals in large volumes of traditional mail which may contain private information of a sensitive nature.
What’s more, if you need your Private Bag delivered by us on a recurring basis, we can make this happen for a nominal fee.
The Premier Box for a Premier Experience
BotswanaPost also offers clients a superior level of safety, privacy, size and upgrade on your regular Post Office box.
Have you ever wished for an upgrade to your Post Box? Perhaps it’s more security and privacy you desire. A more convenient location might be nice, and, of course, a more comfortable environment in which to handle your mail.
Say hello to the Premier Box. Installed at Masa Centre in the heart of Gaborone’s new CBD, the Premier Box offer customers a prestigious new mail solution and a whole new standard of service.
Your Premier Box comes with combination locks, so it functions as both a mailbox and a safe. This gives you the perfect place to store important documents and small valuables.
The Premier Box is comfortably sized to accommodate all your A4 envelopes without the need for folding.